• 13 Pimonenko str.
  • Kyiv, 04050
  • Úkraína
  • Sími:380-044-494 19 65
  • Fax:380-044-494 19 67
  • Url:

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We are "PETRUS" group of companies. See more detailed information at our web-site (www.petrus.com.ua)

We incorporate and manage couple companies of different production type. Our main activity is production of alcoholic beverages, confectionery and biscuits products.

Also we work on the principle of partnership (non-profitable trading) or as direct export representative of many other producers from Ukraine and assist them to make export procedures or to find buyer from other countries.

We deal with agricultural products, alcoholic beverages, cosmetics and food products. If you have intention to find suppliers from Ukraine or need any help with export please contact me.

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