搜索结果: 小活的动物及其产品
发现3981 公司globalcatalog.com/ribnjacarstvokoncanicadd.hr
公司主要业务是淡水养殖,各种鱼类在Ribnjacarstvo Koncanica鱼池中饲养, 主要产品是鲤鱼,我们公司提供的其它活动是旅游、捕鱼、猎狩、鱼类加工、鱼批发和零售。... 阅读更多 »
- 鱼 | 野兔 | 活的兽类野味 | 鹿 | 野猪 | 活野鸡 | 活松鸡 | 活鹌鹑 | 活山鹑 | 淡水鱼
- Končanica
- 克罗地亚
We breed buy and sell meat rabbits.
We also adopt in and out rabbits ,horses, pigs, chickens, llamas, alpacas, and just about any other farm animal that needs help or a place to bed for awhile (... 阅读更多 »
- 兔子饲养服务 | 家兔和野兔 | 鲜兔肉 | 兔肉 | 选育兔 | 青年的兔子 | 兔肉 | 农场
- 100 Mile House
- 加拿大
As your “All In One” value added best One-Stop-Shop custom formulator. And supplier. We offer “Market Insights”. Trends, & Strategies, Knowledge & Solutions and Strategy Support with global re... 阅读更多 »
- 花粉 | 体育补充剂 | 医疗性食品和营养剂 | 抗氧化剂 | 维生素 | 维生素A | 食品工业酶制剂 | 批发维他命和辅助食品 | 维生素和营养物质...
- Burnaby
- 加拿大
Founded in 1951, we have grown through years to be leaders in the meat and deli department by offering the quality and selection that today's discerning customers expect.Many of Grimm's... 阅读更多 »
- 家禽 | 牛肉 | 香肠 | 猪肉香肠 | 火腿 | 肉制品 | 熏制和腌制食品 | 奶酪 | 肉类零食 | 火腿和意大利腊肠(贸易)...
- Richmond
- 加拿大
Today, the Fisher family runs a modern, progressive business, with a large customer base and an excellent reputation in the community. From generation to generation, Glenwood Meats has maintained its... 阅读更多 »
- 家禽 | 牛肉切块 | 香肠 | 肉制品 | 火鸡 | 土耳其削减 | 鲜鸡肉 | 羔羊 | 商店与肉 | 猪肉
- Victoria
- 加拿大
Olymel is one of Canada’s leaders in the field of primary processing, further processing and
distribution of pork and poultry products. With numerous plants based in Alberta, Ontario
and Québec, Ol... 阅读更多 »
- 生产的肉类和家禽肉类产品 | 家禽 | 火腿 | 猪肉产品 | 猪排 | 特色肉类,猪肉 | 罐头猪肉 | 鸡削减 | 土耳其削减 | 繁殖和饲养的鸡...
- Red Deer
- 加拿大
Marot Food Brokers Inc. has been a strong player in the poultry business since 1997. Not only have we positioned ourselves to fulfill basic client needs. We are market leaders and setters in the... 阅读更多 »
- 牛肉 | 香肠 | 鲜火鸡肉 | 鲜鸡肉 | 海鲜 | 面条 | 进出口—食品加工业 | 母鸡 | 鸡蛋 | 猪肉
- Toronto
- 加拿大
Our history begins when we decided to meet the needs of providing apicultural products as a result of their growing demand. These products are cultivated in a specific area of Sitia, Crete, which is... 阅读更多 »
- 蜂蜜
- Sitia
- 希腊
Tulaberry Farm sits next to the Little Slocan River about 30 minutes from the towns of Nelson and Castlegar in the West Kootenay Region of south-eastern British Columbia. Tulaberry Farm is certified... 阅读更多 »
- 浆果 | 有机蔬菜 | 活家禽 | 活家禽和鸡蛋 | 活鸭 | 活鸡 | 活禽(贸易) | 家禽 | 养禽业 | 大蒜...
- Slocan Park
- 加拿大
Supreme Meat Supplies Ltd. is a meats and meat product company in Burnaby. This public company was founded in 1981. Supreme Meat Supplies Ltd. has been around 14 years longer than the typical... 阅读更多 »
- 生产的肉类和家禽肉类产品 | 家禽 | 肉 | 羊肉 | 牛肉 | 牛肉切块 | 牛肉香肠 | 猪肉香肠 | 牛肉和小牛肉产品 | 萨拉米...
- Burnaby
- 加拿大
A family operated farm where the main focus is on Heritage breeds of poultry, some more exotic, ornamental varieties, rare breeds, some bantam breeds as well as Heritage turkeys and Muscovy ducks. We... 阅读更多 »
- 活鸡 | 家禽 | 有机禽蛋 | 孵化用蛋 | 兔 | 鸡 | 鲜鸡肉 | 农,服务 | 有机农场 | 家禽和家禽产品...
- Black Creek
- 加拿大
At Sunrise Farms, we produce a wide variety of raw, ready to cook and fully cooked fresh and frozen poultry and meat products for retail, foodservice and commercial customers. What if you need a... 阅读更多 »
- 饲养家禽 | 肉禽 | 有机家禽 | 活鸡 | 活禽(贸易) | 新鲜家禽 | 鸡削减 | 养禽业 | 冷冻家禽 | 有机农场...
- Surrey
- 加拿大
Planet Bee World is an operating Bee Farm and Apiculture attraction in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. A place to learn about honeybees and their miraculous products of the hive -- all... 阅读更多 »
- 蜂蜜 | 花粉 | 蜂蜜糖浆 | 蜂花粉 | 蜂蜜产品 | 蜂蜡 | 蜂蜜批发
- Vernon
- 加拿大
Inspired by the beauty and abundance of the Okanagan valley, the Okanagan Falls family of products are crafted in small batches using all natural ingredients. Ensuring quality from our family to... 阅读更多 »
- 蜂花粉 | 香肠 | 乳制品(贸易) | 羊乳酪 | 酱,烧烤 | 沙拉酱 | 水果露 | 羊奶奶酪 | 浆果果冻 | 烤肉调味汁...
- Vancouver
- 加拿大
Nationwide Natural Foods is a Canadian owned & operated family business since 2000. Nationwide specializes in the distribution of various domestic & imported products to retailers across... 阅读更多 »
- 保健和减肥食品零售连锁店 | 蜂蜜 | 植物油 | 烘烤半成品 | 无麸质面包 | 枫糖浆 | 巧克力棒 | 酱,酱油 | 发酵粉 | 有机食品(贸易)...
- Delta
- 加拿大
Since 1999 when large scale commercial processing of chicken left Vancouver Island, consumers have had very little opportunities to purchase Island grown poultry, and new meat inspection laws in... 阅读更多 »
- 饲养家禽 | 生产的肉类和家禽肉类产品 | 肉禽 | 活火鸡 | 家禽 | 火鸡 | 鸡 | 繁殖和饲养的鸡 | 肉和蛋的鸡 | 家禽批发...
- Cowichan Bay
- 加拿大
Illichmann's has been serving Kelowna since 1967 and is always changing to meet our customers' needs. We offer a wide variety of fine deli meats that have been prepared right in our store.... 阅读更多 »
- 宴会承办服务 | 家禽 | 香肠 | 萨拉米 | 熏制和腌制食品 | 面包店 | 火腿和意大利腊肠(贸易)...
- Kelowna
- 加拿大
A large beekeeping outfit that pollinates Blueberry and Raspberry flowers and produces honey in the Fraser Valley as well as in Alberta. Honey is sold in bulk and a small packing plant is CFIA... 阅读更多 »
- 天然蜂蜜 | 蜂蜜 | 蜂蜜产品 | 压榨机,用于蜂蜜 | 蜜蜂和蜂产品 | 养蜂业服务 | 蜂蜜批发
- Rosedale
- 加拿大
Our chicken is 100% natural, locally grown on our farm in Salmon Arm. Everything we do at Farmcrest Foods is designed to bring British Columbians the freshest, healthiest, best–tasting chicken, just a... 阅读更多 »
- 饲养家禽 | 禽肉加工及腌制 | 肉禽 | 家禽 | 鸡 | 鸡削减 | 繁殖和饲养的鸡 | 养殖鸡 | 养禽业 | 农作物加工...
- Salmon Arm
- 加拿大
Right now we've been wrapping up our busy hunting season and making the last bit of the custom sausage orders so we can concentrate on our retail just in time for the holidays!! We have our Free... 阅读更多 »
- 家禽 | 蜂蜜 | 香肠 | 萨拉米 | 鲜鸡肉 | 处理和保存肉类和肉产品的生产 | 熏制猪油 | 鸡蛋 | 商店与肉 | 熏制鱼...
- Prince George
- 加拿大
Al's Feathers Be Gone is a family owned local poultry processing plant. We have been in business since 1999 and have customers from Southern Vancouver Island to Mid Vancouver Island. Our... 阅读更多 »
- 禽肉加工及腌制 | 活鹅 | 活鸭 | 活火鸡 | 活鸡 | 鹅 | 火鸡 | 鸡 | 鸭子 | 鲜鸡肉
- Port Alberni
- 加拿大
Honey Bunny uses flexible, shatter-proof, stand-up pouches with a spout designed for
easy, controlled pours while the lightness of the packaging requires fewer resources to
produce and... 阅读更多 »
- 蜂蜜 | 蜂蜜产品 | 酱料 | 酱,番茄 | 酱,烧烤 | 烤肉调味汁 | 蜂蜜批发
- Guy
- 加拿大
The Galadari Group is one of the UAE's largest and most respected privately owned companies. With headquarters in Dubai, it now has more diverse operations in industrial and business fields than... 阅读更多 »
- 生产的肉类和家禽肉类产品 | 家禽 | 肉 | 鸡削减 | 鸡翅罐头 | 鸡肉烤肉串 | 家禽和家禽产品 | 家禽,加工,冷冻...
- Dubai
- 阿拉伯联合酋长国
We are an sourcing supply company based in Surat, Gujarat.
Our Products -
Dried Herbs
Dried Flowers
Dried Fruits
Dried Vegetables
Raw Herbs
Ayurvedic / Medicinal Herbs
Herbal... 阅读更多 »
- 钢管和管道 | 蜂蜜 | 混合香料及调味料 | 针织面料 | 革皮服装 | 电动马达,发电机,变压器的零件 | 园艺用品(贸易) | 滑动轴承 | 医药用品 | 钢构件...
- Mumbai
- 印度
Genic, a top leading manufactuerer, has brought a fresh air into chemical,medical, and cosmetics markets with new materials, new style and bio-matrix development by using collagen.
With a new and... 阅读更多 »
- 花粉 | 鳕鱼鱼肝油和大比目鱼油制剂 | 强壮剂,用于运动员 | 膳食补给品,矿物基质的 | 医疗性食品和营养剂 | 擦剂 | 草药,浸剂 | 净化剂(药品) | 减肥药 | 鲨鱼软骨产品,药用的...
- Seoul
- 韩国