О нама
We present this catalogue with a hope that it would be an excellent guide to all our promoters and medical professionals the world over.+9999999
We endeavour to present in this catalogue a modern range of instruments to the trade and medical profession in order to achieve the highest results.
We are located in the centre of the city which is known the world over for this profession having at our disposal export craftsmen whose skilled technique and traditional approach towards modern surgery makes all the possibilities to acclaim us quality instruments products.
We are grateful for the loyal support given to us by our promoters who have been selling our stainless steel surgical instruments in their market with pride and honour.
We pledge to serve more in the years ahead to our quality minded promoters with much more higher standard and correct design of the instrument.
HollWares all of kinds
Пословни подаци
Продуцент, Произвођач, Трговац на велико, Дистрибутер
5 - 10 људи