• 1 / F, Abi Habib Building, Main Road, Roumieh Industrial Area
  • Beirut
  • Λίβανος
  • Τηλ:961-3-619293
  • Φαξ:961
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Hydraulic Band Saw GB712

Μηχανήματα μεταλλουργίας



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Περιγραφή του προϊόντος

GB712 Hydraulic cutting band saw is made in china, well designed for cutting bars, tubes and profiles in a wide variety of materials. In terms of its heavy construction, precision and durability, this band saw is capable of handling materials faster, safer and more quietly for pattern shops, Machine shops, training school and factories. - See more at: http://www.yazcnc.com/band-saw.html#sthash.7vPce7aK.dpuf