
  • 2239 Mineral Spring Avenue
  • North Providence, Rhode Island, 02911-1772
  • Marekani
  • Tel:(401) 231-9290
  • Nchi: ---.---.-----
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Yacht Club Bottling Works opened in 1915 with the goal of bringing a premium quality beverage to Rhode Island. A lot has changed over the last 95 years, but Yacht Club, The Official Soda and Water Company of Rhode Island, is still dedicated to providing premium quality beverages to Rhode Island and surrounding areas.

Yacht Club only uses glass bottles for carbonated soft drinks. Glass, because it keeps the contents fresh and pure unlike any other container. Every drink produced begins with natural artesian water, from an artesian well drilled through the bedrock 180ft below the building, in 1923. The water is natural mineral water and has exceptional characteristics for carbonation. Its natural temperature is 45 degrees, which allows carbonation without the use of cooling towers that can

Yacht Club is the Official Soda & Water Company of RI, is still dedicated to providing premium quality beverages to Rhode Island and surrounding areas.

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