Window Tint Baton Rouge

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1 Year (s)

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For the most part we have set prices that go by the year, make, and model of each car. Most of our customers that come in set up appointments ask for different types of window tints, some more expensive than others, and some customers are sending multiple cars per month and get a heavily discounted rate.

Another reason we don't have standard rates is that some vehicles have windows with less curves and don't require any removal of interior trim panels, where some other vehicles may have windows that are way more curved and have to have interior panels removed to ensure the best window tint in Baton Rouge.

With that being said, we can offer you a free quote immediately if you call or fill out our contact form to have us give you a call right away to find out the exact price to tint your windows for your specific vehicle.

*No matter what kind of car your driving and needing tinted, Window Tinting of Baton Rouge can provide you quality and top notch service at our location in central BR. We promise we have some of the best rates around town! Check us out and see for yourself today.Will Baton Rouge Window Tinting Give Me Any Type of Service Guarantee?

We thrive off of keeping our customers satisfied, so ABSOLUTELY! Every window tint job we give a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We don't skip steps that would compromise a good, clean tint job like some other guys do just to get more cars in and out of their shops. Our guarantee is for YOU and means that if for any reason you're not satisfied with our window tint job, please give us a call and we'll correct it within 24 hours for free of course, or offer you a credit for another vehicle. After all, our success comes from our satisfied customers spreading our name around town!