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We Deliver Your Order When We Say We Will.
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We are not the biggest,but we do our best to provide the professional service.
Welcome to DXRChina a company profiled on RFID Cards,NFC/UHF Tag and related technology.
DXRChina its mission is to become a leading provider of RFID Cards and Reader technology in the world market.
Founded in 2008,DXRChina understands the business of our customers,assess their needs and provide
creative,responsive,timely,cost effective products by drawing upon our extensive experience and resources.
DXRChina is committed to manufacturing and delivering quality RFID Cards and related products,which meet or exceed customer and regulatory requirements.
RFID Cards provided by DXRChina is used to support applications in areas as diverse as:
---Asset Management
---Animal Tracking
---Vehicle/Tool Usage Control
---Logistics Delivery Tracking
---Health Safety Management
---Security Access Control
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