• PO Box 429
  • Heriot Bay, British Columbia, V0P 1H0
  • Kanada
  • Tel:250-285-3361
  • Fax:250-285-3363
  • Url:

For every type of salmon, we can help you with processing and distribution.

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Our primary salmon production consists of wild sockeye, pink and chum, with the occasional chinook and coho coming through the plant. We also process and distribute our own brand of premium Johnstone Strait wild sockeye salmon.

Johnstone Straight Sockeye Salmon has become the standard that all other salmon are measured by. Rich in flavour and tradition, this Canadian national treasure helped define the West Coast of Canada with canneries and fishing plants dotting the coast up until the mid-1970’s. Walcan first processed sockeye salmon in the late 70’s and sockeye season is one of our favourite times of year! In 2010, British Columbia enjoyed a record sockeye season, where Walcan alone processed and froze over 2 million pounds of fish.

Our sockeye, chum and pink salmon products can be sold to fresh markets throughout the west coast, frozen for shipment overseas, used for retort products or even filleted and vacuum packed for freshness. Walcan takes pride in its involvement with the commercial fishing industry in British Columbia.