• 22 Keefe Ave
  • Newton, Massachusetts, 02464
  • Verenigde Staten
  • Tel:617-630 -0131
  • Fax:617-630 -0133
  • Url:

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Based in Newton Massachusetts, USA, Vivido Natural is a

dynamic creator and distributor of high quality Mediterranean

specialty foods, air dried mushrooms and air dried fruits. Our product

portfolio includes alternative and robust brands like IGDA,


We are a growing company with large business

goals and serious commitments to our environmental

and social obligations.

Natural Food is better.

At Vivido Natural we are passionate about taste and health.

We only choose natural ingredients, without additives,

or preservatives. We are in the what's good for the health business.

Our food will help you lead a healthier life style, away from sugars

and artificial flavors. Vivido is about making small positive changes

in our daily choice of food.

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