Flashes And Floaters




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The vitreous is the clear gel that occupies about 80% of the inside of the eyeball. As we age, this jello-like substance liquefies, shrinks, and eventually separates from the optic nerve and the retina in the back of the eye. This is called posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) and occurs in most adults between 40 and 70 years of age without untoward consequences. A PVD may occur in younger individuals who have undergone cataract surgery or are very nearsighted.

When a PVD occurs, floaters are usually noticed. Floaters are small specks that move in and out of your field of vision. They may be more noticeable when looking at a plain background, such as a white page, wall, or clear sky. Some people mistake floaters for flying bugs. Flashes of light in the periphery of the visual field, particularly in low ambient light, are also a common symptom of a PVD. These flashes are a result of the retina being tugged on by the separating vitreous.

PVD is a common occurrence, which usually has no untoward consequences. However, if the retina is weak or the vitreous gel is abnormal, a retinal tear can occur, which in about 50 percent of cases eventually leads to a retinal detachment.

Read more: https://www.vrmny.com/conditions/flashes-and-floaters/