• 112 Williamsville, P.O. Box 332
  • Hubbardston, Massachusetts, 01452
  • ایالات متحدهٔ امریکا
  • تلفن:978-820-1222
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The Body by Vi Challenge was created by a company called ViSalus Sciences and is one of the fastest growing health phenomenon's in North America, Canada, and Jamaica .

The Challenge is about you, or people you know, transforming your body over the next 90 days.

We all have something that could use a little improving, don't we? And if you need a little extra motivation, the Body by Vi Challenge is giving away over $100,000 a year in prizes, like free cruises & Hollywood makeovers, to those with the best transformations.

It's SIMPLE, all you have to do is set a 90 day goal and use 1 of 4 ViSalus Body By Vi challenge kits, and let the products do the rest! The challenge will save you money as each kit is centered around our Vi-Shape meal replacement shake ($1.70 a meal, a lot less than a Big Mac!), so you won't be adding any additional cost to your budget, just redirecting the money you're currently spending on eating out and grocery bills, toward a simpler, faster, and much healthier option!

Most people who start the Challenge end up sharing it with others. Saving money on your food bills is already a great deal. But we added a little extra motivation here as well. It's called Refer 3 get your next month free! Simply refer 3 others to the same or greater challenge kit as you, and we'll ship your kit for free!

For those who really love promoting the Challenge, we have even created a career path where people can earn spare time, part time, or full time income by simply sharing the Challenge with others. Tell enough people about it, and you can even earn a ViSalus BMW! We have had close to 10000 already qualify for their BMW Bonus, and right now are averaging close to 10 BMW qualifiers a day! How fun would that be?

Received the industry growth award from Direct Selling News for 2010-over 500%

Has raised nearly 1 million meals for kids in need!

Has helped people lose over 6 million pounds over the last 24 months, and that grows every day!!!

CEO of ViSalus, Ryan Blair, has been busy to say the least! His book "Nothing To Lose" hit the top of the NY Bestsellers list this week! Later this month he will be featured on the Dr. Phil Show!

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