Railway transport of frozen or refrigerated goods
Freight transport by railways
Transport services, railway, for wheeled vehicles
Rail transport services, controlled temperature
Non-scheduled air freight transport services
Non-scheduled air-mail transport services
Air freight services, scheduled
Air freight services, express
Scheduled air-mail transport services
Scheduled air freight transport services
Motor vehicle air ferries
Airlines, freight services
Air freight services, charter
Air charter services for livestock
Air freight information services
Online database information services, sales and marketing
Online database information services, market research
Online database information services, pharmaceuticals
Online database information services, medical and health care information
Online database information services, chemicals
Online database information services, electrical and electronic engineering
Online database information services, agriculture
Online database information services, news items and media
Online database information services, legal information
Online database information services, insurance
Online database information services, geographical
Database information services, online
Electronic catalogue/e-catalogue production services
Packaging services for perfume and cosmetics, plastic materials
Cosmetic product packaging services
Packaging, filling and sterilisation services for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries
Microencapsulation services for pharmaceuticals
Microencapsulation services, scented oils
Packaging services, sterile, medical and pharmaceutical
Packaging services, to standards
Labelling services, packaging for transportation
Packaging services, by hand, for transportation
Reconditioning services for packagings
Palletising services for transportation
Packaging and crating services for transportation
Testing of packages and packaging materials
Labelling, packaging and boxing services for glass bottles
Sorting, checking and packing services for rubber components
Repackaging services for the transportation of consumer goods
Packaging services in cartons
Packaging services, canning
Packaging services in collapsible tubes
Packaging services in paper bags and sacks
Packaging services in steel drums
Packaging services in plastic film, bags and sachets
Packaging services, skin packaging
Packaging services, shrink wrapping
Packaging services, blister
Packaging services, unit dose
Tablet packaging services
Packaging services, bottling
Packaging services for the transportation of fragile goods
Preparation and packaging services for convenience foods and meals
Packaging services for the transportation of antiques and works of art
Packaging services for the transportation of instruments
Packaging services for the transportation of telecommunication equipment
Packaging services for the transportation of mail order goods
Packaging services for the transportation of powders
Packaging services for transportation in tropicalised containers
Packaging services for transportation, in wood or plywood packing cases or crates
Packaging services for transportation with thermoplastic immersion for metal goods
Packaging services for transportation, on-site, with polyurethane (PU) foam
Packaging services, corrosion protection, for the transportation of machinery
Agricultural and horticultural product packaging consultants
Custom packaging - companies
Holders and cases - custom packaging
Protective covers - custom packaging
Fasteners - custom packaging
Cases and chests - custom packaging
Staples - custom packaging
Ties for sacks and bags - custom packaging
Slitting services for packaging materials
Dry ice packaging services for air transportation
Packaging services for the transportation of aid consignments
Capsule filling and packaging services, pharmaceutical industry
Aerosol container filling services
Pressurised container filling services
Aerosol and pressurised container filling services
Packing and unpacking services, marine freight containers
Container packaging services for motor vehicles
Packaging and stowing services for the transportation of freight containers
Packaging services for the transportation of chemicals
Packaging services for the transportation of dangerous goods
Packaging services for the transportation of cut timber and boards
Packaging services for the transportation of steel coils, strips and plates
Packaging services for the transportation of heavy machinery
Packaging services for the transportation of liquids
Packaging services for powders
Packaging services for granules
Packaging services for tea
Packaging services for coffee
Packaging services for fish and seafood
Packaging services for meat
Vacuum packaging services for food
Packaging services for dairy products
Wrapping services for books and magazines
Packaging services for printed matter (books, newspapers, magazines)
Packing services for food hampers/gift baskets
Packaging services for emergency rations
Packaging services, condiment and spice sachets
Packaging services for powdered or granulated food products
Packaging services for vending machines
Repackaging services for foods
Food processing and packaging services
Packaging services, vacuum sealed
Packaging services for board games and packs of cards
Packaging services for records, compact discs (CDs), digital versatile discs (DVDs) and audio cassettes
Packaging services, plastic, for do-it-yourself (DIY) articles
Packaging services, cardboard, for self assembly/knock-down furniture
Coating services, plastic spray, industrial packaging
Industrial packaging services
Packaging services, plastic, for food and confectionery
Packaging services, plastic, for hosiery
Packaging services, plastic, for milk and dairy products
Packaging services, plastic, for explosives and pyrotechnical articles
Packaging services, plastic, for toilet and hygiene articles
Packaging services for instruments and light technical apparatus
Filling and packaging services, solvents and adhesives, industrial
Filling services for toner cartridges
Remedial packaging, fault correction and merchandising services
Packaging services for fresh fruit
Packaging services for dried fruit
Air transport consultants
Gifts and souvenirs packaging
Gift wrapping without scotch
Services of manual gift wrapping
Manual gift wrapping service
Packing of petroleum products
Packing of technical oils
Air freight transport-logistical services
Special service of air transportation of dangerous, heavy and large dimension cargo
International air transport
Air transport agency service
Railway freight transport-logistical services
Rail transportation of cargoes
Railroad transportation of goods
Railway freight transport
International cargo air transportation
Packing and unpacking, services
On-line data base, information retrieval
Nonscheduled charter services
Crating goods for shipping
Packing goods for shipping
Packing and crating, services