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Tree Worx is a locally owned and family operated business in Chico. Our professional contractors, arborists and knowledgeable crews all work with a very high standard in all areas of tree care and preservation. While providing great service and attention to detail we complete jobs in a timely manner with safety always being our first priority.

We offer a variety of tree services for the greater Chico and Butte County area. Our most common service requests are tree removal, defensible space and vegetation management. We like helping customers turn their properties into resort quality destinations.

Call today or schedule an appointment and let Tree Worx know how we can help. There's a reason we're a Chico favorite for Tree Services.

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Tree Worx updated address

Our new location address:

NA, Chico, California, 95973, Sjedinjene Države

Tree Worx updated website

Visit our website @