• Post Office Fateh Ghar, Daska Road, Bograh
  • , Punjab, 5131
  • ปากีสถาน
  • โทร:92-52-3259019
  • โทรสาร:92-52-3259041
  • url:

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Trade star international is well known in the field of leather and cordura garments. We have very vast experience to manufature and export leather clothing.

We have won the confidence of our innumerable customers all around the world. We go out of our way to understand our customer's needs and deliver first class service.

A fully equipped head office and highly professional management supported by well - motivated, skilled and experienced team of workers ensure the perfect performance and offer a complete variety of quality leather garments designed to meet the requirements of modern age. Our products ensure professional confidence, reliability and performance.

Since quality is the keyword, it is therefore ensured that each finished piece passes through 6/7 expert hands before it is ready to be dispatched.

Please tell us in which items you have interest and we will produce the item according to your specification demand and requirement.

Looking forward to hear form you soon

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