Maidir Linne
Cur síos
Software systems engineering firm adept in design and both rapid and conventional development on a variety of hardware/software platforms using various SW methodologies. Experienced with most state-of-the-art COTS applications.
Programming abilities in MS Visual C++, Gnu C and C++, MFC, Borland C++, MS Visual BASIC, Java, Ada, SQL, Motif, UNIX Shell Script, Pascal, Clipper/dBase, Crystal Reports, and FORTRAN. Experienced With Dataviews Xdesigner (Sun Visu), SCCS, CodeManager, Microsoft Source Safe, Standard Template Library (STL), Informix, Oracle, ODBC, Active X, OLE, Access, FrameMaker, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), Internet web page construction (HTML) Microsoft Font Page, LabView, various UNIX, DOS and Windows applications
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