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Prefabricated buildings consultants
Building estimating consultants
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) consultants
Building renovation consultants
Building refurbishment consultants
High building structures consultants
Office technology engineering consultants
Computer room building consultants
Load bearing brick structure consultants
Load bearing metal structure consultants
Load bearing timber structure consultants
Ecological building and construction engineering consultants
Clean room and controlled environment consultants
Occupational hygiene assessment services
Explosion damage to buildings, inspection and assessment consultants
Corrosion prevention and control consultants
Oil and gas industry safety consultants
Power utilisation consultants
Vibration engineering consultants
Acoustic engineering consultants
Structural and load bearing statics, consultants
Civil engineering and public works consultants
Road and motorway engineering consultants
Bridge, viaduct and tunnel engineering consultants
Railway and tramway construction engineering consultants
Sports complex design consultants
Atomic shelter engineering consultants
Building engineering consultants
Building materials consultants
Water supply engineering consultants
District heating systems engineering consultants
Structural restoration and underpinning consultants
Demolition and blasting engineering consultants
Ice rink engineering consultants
Shooting range construction engineering consultants
Large span structure consultants
Chimney construction engineering consultants
Mining engineering consultants
Aerated concrete plant construction engineering consultants
Hydroelectric engineering consultants
Cement plant construction engineering consultants
Dam and reservoir engineering consultants
Planning and scheduling consultants for industrial plant
Metal ore extraction industry consultants
Combined heat and power system consultants
Thermoelectric power station engineering consultants
Steam power consultants
Cooling tower engineering consultants
Fabricated steelwork design consultants
Refractory engineering consultants
Pile driving consultants
Hydrological, hydrographic and estuarial silting consultants
Heat exchanger consultants
Airport construction engineering consultants
Cathodic protection of pipelines engineering consultants
Embankment and barricade construction, river and lake, engineering consultants
Industrial consultants
Transport equipment homologation engineering consultants
Wood pulp, paper and paper product plant and machinery engineering consultants
Ceramic and glass plant and machinery engineering consultants
Abattoir plant and equipment engineering consultants
Agricultural plant, machinery and equipment engineering consultants
Comminution equipment consultants
Finite calculation consultants, mechanical engineering
Heat treatment engineering consultants
Friction engineering (tribology) consultants
Metal industry product engineering consultants
Gas turbine engineering consultants
Steam plant and equipment engineering consultants
Internal combustion engine engineering consultants
Transport of waste and hazardous substances, consultants
Motor car production engineering consultants
Bus and coach production engineering consultants
Truck/lorry production engineering consultants
Motor vehicle transmission equipment engineering consultants
Motor vehicle steering, suspension and brake component engineering consultants
Motor vehicle and truck body part engineering consultants
Rolling stock equipment engineering consultants
Transport equipment calculation engineering consultants
Quantity surveyors, building
Industrial emergency procedures consultants, environmental
Pollution assessment consultants
Implementation of ecological assessments, consultants
Environmental impact assessment consultants
Ecotoxicological risk assessment consultants
Ecological studies, consultants
Noise pollution consultants
Acoustics, sound control and noise prevention consultants
Hydrogeological assessment consultants
Ecological auditing consultants
Industrial safety and accident prevention consultants
Registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals (REACH) regulations consultants
Health and safety consultants, soil and site decontamination
Health and safety consultants, vibration protection
Wind farms, ecological assessment of offshore installations, consultants
Wind farms, ecological assessment of installations on land, consultants
Biogas production plant design and development consultants
Photovoltaic technology consultants
Recycling plant engineering consultants
Solvent recovery engineering consultants
Refuse derived fuel (RDF) plant engineering consultants
Liquid waste recycling plant engineering consultants
Liquid waste treatment plant engineering consultants
Odour emission control equipment design and development consultants
Dust extraction systems, design consultants
Light pollution consultants
Occupational health/hygiene consultants
Water incineration consultants
Hazardous waste incineration consultants
Urban and industrial waste transportation consultants
Water saving technology consultants
Refuse incinerator engineering consultants
Solid waste treatment plant engineering consultants
Refuse incineration consultants
Hazardous waste storage consultants
Assessment and Certification Boards
Accreditation approval organisations
Vocational Qualification Standards bodies
State recognised private standards organisations
Tools' standards institutes
Machinery standards organisations
Electrical and electronic equipment standards organisations
Building industry and civil engineering standards organisations
Paper industry standards organisations
Quality assurance organisations
Total quality organisations
Building inspection and control services
Quality control services, underwater and offshore
Certification services, supply chain traceability
Quality control services for civil engineering and the building industry
Certification services for motor cars
Certification services for commercial vehicles
Certification services for industrial vehicles
Certification services for buses and coaches
Certification services for ships
Certification services for railway equipment
Certification services for aerospace equipment
Certification services, racking and shelving for pallets
Certification of electrical components and systems
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) conformity services
Certification services for solar and photovoltaic equipment
Certification services for organic products
Certification services for food safety
Certification services for medical equipment
Certification services for clean rooms
Export certification services for foodstuffs
Quality control services, consumer goods
Environmental monitoring laboratories
Laboratories and research centres for automation and numerical control
Pressure vessel inspection services
Heat exchanger inspection services
Corrosion testing and inspection services
Testing and inspection services, refractory materials
Monitoring and analysing services, structural
Monitoring and analysing services, stress
Monitoring services, corrosion
Crack detection services, acoustic, structural monitoring
Testing services, lifts and elevators
Testing and supervision services for measuring instruments and inspection equipment
Energy cost analysts
Portable appliance testing (PAT) services
Testing services, solar and photovoltaic components and systems
Testing services, pressure, for metal pipes
Testing services, flange pressure
Testing and inspection services, hydraulic equipment
Testing services, valve
Testing services, leakage, tanks and cisterns
Testing services, equipment fatigue
Testing services, freight containers
Testing and analysing services, textile industry
Testing services, concrete
Testing services, ceramics
Testing services, wood
Testing services, rubber and plastics
Testing and monitoring services for asbestos
Metallurgical fracture analysis services
Vibration analysis services
Testing services, dimensional, structural and radiographic for castings
Validation services for chemical and pharmaceutical industry equipment
Inspection services, minerals
Inspection services for paints and coatings
Non-destructive testing (NDT) and inspection services, computer aided
Electric power management, research and development
Synthetic and natural organic products, research and development
Building materials research and development
Testing services, power generating plant
Energy utilisation consultants
Solar energy consultants
Wind energy consultants
Landfill gas energy consultants
Geothermal energy consultants
Tidal and wave energy consultants
Biomass power station engineering consultants
Energy management consultants
Fuel efficiency consultants
Biomass energy consultants
Waste heat recovery consultants
Alternative energy engineering consultants
Quality control and certification
Sand and gravel silo construction engineering consultants
Anchorage and fastening system consultants, for prefabricated construction elements
Radiation monitoring services