

Remarkable advances in information technology are blurring the boundaries between such media as print, broadcast, and data communications, while at the same time new forms of Internet-driven composite media continue to appear.

At Takeda Printing, we're working hand in hand with our group companies to make use of a diverse variety of media based on digital processing technology and press ahead with business operations that provide our customers with solutions.

Naturally, both "the hard" (hardware, including equipment and material) and "the soft" (software, including media and data) are essential to these solutions, but true satisfaction can't be achieved without sincere two-way communication and resonance with the customer.

"Hard + Soft + Heart" -- to both "the hard" and "the soft," we add "heart." Every member company in the Takeda Printing group tries to live up to this basic principle, which represents our commitment.

We're forging ahead as one to achieve full satisfaction for our customers.

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