
  • 4f, No 7, Lane 166, Chung Yang Road, Nankang
  • Taipei, 115
  • تايوان
  • هاتف:886-2-27828123
  • فاكس:886-2-27852393
  • موقع إلكتروني:

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Company established in 1977 and very experienced in the field of mangets. We supply various of magnetic products, such as permanent magnets (Ferrite magnet/Rubber magnet/Fridge magnet/SmCo/Alnico/Plastic magnet), therapy magnet, magnetic separators, educational applies... Etc.

Moreover that we are most welcome of OEM projects. We have tech team to meet your requirement.

Please feel free contact us any time and we'll reply the soonest your message received.

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