• 475/477 Marrickville Rd
  • Dulwich Hill, New South Wales, 2203
  • ავსტრალია
  • ტელ:02 9569 8880
  • ფაქსი: ---.---.-----
  • Url:

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Sweetheart Body focus on using the finest natural ingredients that are locally grown to create every Sweetheart Body coffee scrub. Their goal is to give a lifestyle product that cares for you and your body. Their coffee scrub can rejuvenate and repair your skin.

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Sweetheart Body updated address

Our new location address:

475/477 Marrickville Rd, Dulwich Hill, New South Wales, 2203, ავსტრალია

Sweetheart Body updated website

Visit our website @ http://www.sweetheartbody.com