• Yongqing Rd Huangqiao Industry Park Xiangcheng District
  • , Gansu, 21513
  • An tSín
  • Teil:+86 51266152953
  • Facs:+86 51265469386
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Etron componets is your reliable parters,High quality manufacturer of Inductive components parts(Transformers,Inductors,Chokes etc.),Cable systems,Parts of power supplt units and chargers.The 95% of business is from the European and American.The main products covered by the Server ,IPC, Industry Automation,Medical Facility,Instrument,Automotive electronics,Telecomm,Internet etc, for a wide range of electronic products market.The office in Germany (http://www.ems-etron.de)had been set up and developed local market,Our value is to provide high quality products and professionalservices for global.Quality Management System*Assurance the manufacturing quality*Trace back all the process data.*Transparent system easy for the customer to see quality and process performance of hte ordered product,*Real-time process monitoring*work-in-process(WIP)management.Our Values*Customer focus.*Quickly response to customer.*Best services.Increase customer's product value.Time to Market.

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