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Bone Chisels for Dentists (Page-01)

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Dental Chisel - Kramer-Nevins 1/2 CKN1/2

Dental Chisel - Rhodes Back-Action 36/37 C36/37

Dental Chisel - Remington Hoe S44/45

Dental Chisel - TG CTG

Dental Chisel - TG w/ Ochenbein Notches CTG-O

Dental Chisel - Solt 3/4 CSOLT3/4

Dental Chisel - 13K / TG S13K/TG

Dental Chisel -13K / 13KL+ S13K/13KL

Dental Chisel - 29K SK29

Dental Chisel - Ochsenbein 1 CO1

Dental Chisel - Ochsenbein 2 CO2

Dental Chisel - Ochsenbein 3 CO3

Dental Chisel - Ochsenbein 4 CO4

Dental Chisel - Fedi 1 CPF1

Dental Chisel - Fedi 2 CPF2

Dental Chisel - Fedi 3 CPF3

Dental Chisel - Fedi 4 CPF4

Dental Chisel - Kramer-Nevins No.3 (3mm) CKN3

Dental Chisel - Kramer-Nevins No.55 (5.5mm) CKN55

Dental Chisel - Kramer-Nevins No.75 (7.5mm) CKN75

Dental Chisel - Osteotome Straight 4 mm OS1

Dental Chisel - Osteotome Curved 4 mm OS2

Dental Chisel - Osteotome Straight 7.5 mm OS3

Dental Chisel - Osteotome Curved 7.5 mm OS4

Dental Chisel - Gardner 1 (3 mm) CG1

Dental Chisel - Gardner 2 (4 mm) CG2

Dental Chisel - Wakesfield 1W (2.7 mm) CW1

Dental Chisel - Wakesfield 2W (3 mm) CW2

Dental Chisel - Mrfarland # 18 (4.2 mm) CM18

Dental Chisel - Chandler # 7 (5 mm) CC7

Dental Chisel - Chandler # 8 (6 mm) CC8

Dental Chisel - Chandler # 9 (7 mm) CC9

Dental Chisel - Partsch 4 (4x135 mm) CBFL112

Dental Chisel - Partsch 6 (6x135 mm) CBFL214