Sunperi cocktails, a young creative team who have devoted the most famous cocktails. Served in a can, which is not, but a packaging sensation. Briefly touched and behold: Sunperi feels similar like Capri Sun. Unlike the drinking hole with easy opening instead of straw. A stroke of genius and novelty of the partner Sunperi Cyclero.
Under the motto "ByeBye old can, packaging, this revolution coming to market.
Cocktails made by Sunperi.
With the familiar form of a box, only much more easily and with the freshness of a real revolution: At 80 times less material, the packaging is made by alla Sunperi Cyclero tens tons of environmentally friendly than any old box. Let us hope that the new packaging revolution quickly find its way into the shops and socially acceptable, so that everybody will come to enjoy fresh cocktails Ready Made by Sunperi.
Our Cocktails has are 100% authentic bar quality in taste, freshness and look. Perfect for big events, festival, cinema, discos and convenience.
生產廠家, 分銷商, 批發商
5 - 10人