
  • 9304 Forest Lane, # 276
  • Dallas, Texas, 75243
  • ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატები
  • ტელ:1-720-275-6528
  • ფაქსი:1-720-746-2921
  • Url:

ჩვენს შესახებ



Star Oil Gas is an energy industry participant with a dynamic approach to global energy acquisition and management-heavy lifting teams are contracted as needs are defined, reducing corporate overhead and client cost exposure. In whatever effort we are deployed our choices and decisions are continually informed by the goal of minimizing client cost fatigue. Our corporate effort is focused on consultative services as well as turnkey delivery of materials. We focus our efforts on sourcing and delivering crude and all its derivative products; energy personnel acquisition and delivery to sites around the world; delivery and support services for motorized and mechanized factors; and remediation of land and near-shore contamination and spills. An antecedental trace of Star Oil Gas shows a thirteen year pedigree in management and services.

ბიზნეს მონაცემები

არ არის შესაძლებელი

დისტრიბუტორი, აგენტი

5 - 10 ადამიანი


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