Search Results for: Prerje-transportim trupash
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Our primary business is the manufacture of structural grade SPF dimension lumber and the production of clean, renewable energy. Our operations are conducted in a sustainable, safe and environmentally... Lexo më shumë »
- Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Tree-Shërbimet e mirëmbajtjes | Shërbimet Logging | Sharrat dhe plan...
- Prince George
- Kanada
Å sikre sunne og sterke trær rundt deg er av største betydning, og det er her Stavanger Trefelling trer inn som din pålitelige partner for trefelling i Stavanger. Vi er dedikert til å levere topp kval... Lexo më shumë »
- Tëharrje Tree | Shërbimet e rastit për pyjet | Pylltari | Prerje-transportim trupash | Silvikultura dhe aktivitete të tj...
- Stavanger
- Norvegji
Groot Bros. Contracting Ltd. is a Safe Company Certified, full phase logging and road construction company based in the community of Houston, British Columbia. The company conducts a variety of... Lexo më shumë »
- Gërmimet - punon | Ndërtimi i rrugëve punon | Punët në rrugë | Rruga Qasja punë ndërtimore | Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prer...
- Houston
- Kanada
D. R. Holtom Ltd. is a trucking, logging and road building company, owned by Ross and Dean Holtom and based in Terrace, B. C. Incorporated in 1970, D. R. Holtom Ltd.... Lexo më shumë »
- Gërmimet - punon | Ndërtimi i rrugëve punon | Punët në rrugë | Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Tree-...
- Terrace
- Kanada
We are confident that our abilities and that of our talented staff make us stand out from our competition. We offer a wide variety of services tailored to your needs; we treat each customer with the... Lexo më shumë »
- Gërmimet - punon | Puna për ndërtimin e tubacioneve të Përgjithshëm | Mirëmbajtjen Highway puna | Punët në rrugë | Pyllt...
- Houston
- Kanada
For over a decade Brinkman Forest Ltd. has been fortunate enough to work with First Nations communities in northwest British Columbia, forming strong partnerships that create value and spur economic... Lexo më shumë »
- Puna prish | Gërmimet - punon | Mirëmbajtjen Highway puna | Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Tre...
- Terrace
- Kanada
Timber Baron Contracting Ltd. was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in Terrace, British Columbia, Canada. We employ over 50 people. We are a versatile logging company that specializes in all types... Lexo më shumë »
- Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Transporti i shkrimet brenda pyllit | Shërbimet Logging | Shërbimet ...
- Terrace
- Kanada
Stones Bay Holdings Ltd. is a stump to dump logging company located in Fort St. James, BC. Started in 1980 with 2 employees the company has grown to employ up to 30 employees in peak season as well... Lexo më shumë »
- Ndërtimi i rrugëve punon | Mirëmbajtjen Highway puna | Punët në rrugë | Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupas...
- Fort Saint James
- Kanada
The Frost Lake Group of Companies is a growing, diversified forest-based group of companies operating in central and northern British Columbia. The Frost Lake Group’s mission is to provide e... Lexo më shumë »
- Pylltarisë shërbimet | Menaxherët e pyjeve | Prerje-transportim trupash | Transporti i shkrimet brenda pyllit | Sh...
- Prince George
- Kanada
Located in Chetwynd, Hustle is a logging company built on strong Canadian values of hard work and sustainability.
We perform logging, road construction, and road maintenance in the Logging and... Lexo më shumë »
- Gërmimet - punon | Prerje-transportim trupash | Shërbimet Logging | Shërbimet e rastit për prerje-transportim trupash | ...
- Chetwynd
- Kanada
Coast Tsimshian Resources LP holds 2 forest tenures in Northwestern British Columbia, with a combined Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) of over 550,000m³. Based in Terrace, B.C., Coast Tsimshian Resources’ w... Lexo më shumë »
- Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Tree-prerje shërbimeve | Tree-Shërbimet e mirëmbajtjes | Dru zjarri ...
- Terrace
- Kanada
Evelyn Mountain Contracting has been in business for 20 years. We have a long and respected history in forest sector work, construction & industrial services and forestry-related training... Lexo më shumë »
- Gërmimet - punon | Shpuese dhe puna eksploruese | Punët në rrugë | Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | T...
- Telkwa
- Kanada
Getumdone Contracting LTD is a proud member of the Aboriginal Business Association. Since 2001, we have provided services to government & industry clients: Pipeline Companies (Aboriginal Liaison,... Lexo më shumë »
- Pylltarisë shërbimet | Pylltarisë dhe pemë konsulentët | Prerje-transportim trupash | Pema-pastrimin e shërbimeve | Tree...
- Houston
- Kanada
The company provides services of forestry. Designing; Reforestation; Forest maintenance; Deforesting; Lumbering; Sale of wood; Biofuel; Raw material of wood; Wood; Wood products; Transportation of... Lexo më shumë »
- Prerje-transportim trupash | Dru për qëllime industriale | Dru, i zhveshur | Dru zjarri | Karburante, të ngurta
- Lituani
Based out of McLeod Lake and Mackenzie, Duz Cho Logging began operations with an initial contract to log approximately 60,000 cubic metres of timber in the Mackenzie area. Over time Duz Cho’s r... Lexo më shumë »
- Punët në rrugë | Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Tree-Shërbimet e mirëmbajtjes | Shërbimet Logging |...
- Mackenzie
- Kanada
Company Information: Metsäliitto Group is a forest industry group present in about 30 countries, whose products and services combine responsible forest economy and innovative technology. Metsäliitto p... Lexo më shumë »
- Menaxherët e pyjeve | Prerje-transportim trupash | Shërbimet e riparimit, doreza industriale | Shkrime, drurë / gj...
- Espoo
- Finlandë
Harroff Bros Logging Ltd. is a locally owned and operated company based out of Chetwynd, BC that specializes in log processing and hauling. With many years of experince in the forest industry, you... Lexo më shumë »
- Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Transporti i shkrimet brenda pyllit | Shërbimet Logging | Shërbimet ...
- Chetwynd
- Kanada
- Prerje-transportim trupash | Hares | Lojë, të jetojnë | Dre | Derri i egër | Fazanë, të jetojnë | Qahem, jetojnë | Shkur...
- Zagórzany
- Poloni
Doig River Timber LLP. is completely owned by Doig River First Nation. The Company was established in 2005 as a result of a Memorandum of Agreement with Canfor Louisance Pacific for the harvest of... Lexo më shumë »
- Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Shërbimet Logging
- Rose Prairie
- Kanada
- Menaxherët e pyjeve | Prerje-transportim trupash | Shkrime, drurë / gjethegjerë | Shkrime, dru i butë / halore | Shk...
- Hradec Kralove
- Republika e Çekisë
- Menaxherët e pyjeve | Prerje-transportim trupash | Shkrime, drurë / gjethegjerë | Shkrime, dru i butë / halore | Shk...
- Bečov nad Teplou
- Republika e Çekisë
- Menaxherët e pyjeve | Prerje-transportim trupash | Shkrime, drurë / gjethegjerë | Shkrime, dru i butë / halore | Shk...
- Ruda Maleniecka
- Poloni
B.R. Planidin Contracting is a locally owned business that operates a Dangle Head Processor for the forestry sector. Burt has over 15 years of experience and his Volvo 290 is equipped with Waratah... Lexo më shumë »
- Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Shërbimet Logging | Shërbimet e rastit për prerje-transportim trup...
- Prince George
- Kanada
Spawn Enterprieses is a logging contracting company servicing the Vanderhoof area. You can count on us for all your logging needs. With years of experince and a great safety record we will get the... Lexo më shumë »
- Pylltarisë shërbimet | Prerje-transportim trupash | Shërbimet Logging
- Vanderhoof
- Kanada