• 19e-21e, 5th Floor, Block 2, Worldwide Business Park, 40675 Jalan Tinju 13/50
  • , 40675
  • Malaisie
  • Tél:+60 355 11 19 97
  • Fax:+60 355 11 10 08
  • Url:



SONNENBAUM is a global provider of renewable energy technologies located in Malaysia with aim of reducing global carbon emission of green house gases. We take pride in our reputation for quality engineering and product performance as well as our line of services that meets the international standard. We are proud to be the provider of one of the most comprehensive ranges of wind monitoring equipment available anywhere in the world. We provide wind consultancy for your wind monitoring campaign, including wind monitoring campaign, wind assessment, wind feasibility, wind consultancy, etc SONNENBAUM also supplies industry’s most efficient micro hydro system, “The PowerSpout”. With this system, you don’t need a Hoover Dam at your back yard to generate electricity. This is definitely good news for rural areas which are too remote for grid connection. With this technology, SONNENBAUM is committed to ensure the viability of rural electrification no matter where you are located.

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