• Tursunkulova
  • Tashkent, Toshkent, 100082
  • ازبکستان
  • تلفن:998-71-2434255
  • فکس:998-71-2431186
  • آدرس:

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درباره ما


"Smako Oil LLC" company, is based in 2000 and registered in the Republic of the Uzbekistan Tashkent city.

The basic kind of activity of the company is selling and purchasing of oil products.

Purchasing of oil products is carried out by our company under the direct contracts made between our company and oil refining factories of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Selling of these oil products is carried out by our company in the markets of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, China, Romania, Ukraine and the countries of Baltic.

Also our company is engaged in purchasing from Russia and Kazakhstan hydrocarbonic raw materials (like as gas condensate and crude oil) , their deliveries to oil refining factories of Uzbekistan (the Fergana and Bukhara oil refining plants) for processing and production of oil products for their further sale in the markets of the above-stated countries.

اطلاعات کسب و کار

در دسترس نیست

توزیع کننده, عامل, عمده فروش

در دسترس نیست


مکان ما