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Hi! Thanks for visiting our site! Our “about us” is going to be a little different than the typical business’ - we are all about family, and this is the story of ours ...
Beth and Rob Kaneff met and fell in love 25 years ago. Rob was quite the entrepreneur and Beth backed him in whatever crazy business idea he had next, but no idea or business venture was crazier than having two kids twenty months apart and then another four years later.
Hillary, Jacob, and Ellison grew up in a loving family. But that doesn't mean they never fought when mom was trying to make dinner, screamed during car rides, or spilled drinks at restaurants. Sometimes.... they just needed to ShutUp!
Fast forward a few years and Hillary met Brian who quickly became part of the close-knit Kaneff family. Fast forward a few diplomas, and the four kids were following in their dad's entrepreneurial footsteps, always dreaming up the newest business proposal. While gathering one Friday night for Shabbat, Rob and the kids were huddled together discussing new ideas, while Beth was setting the table. Beth, trying to get their attention, screamed, “Can you guys just ShutUp! already?”
And so ShutUp! Toys was born...