• 106, P.R.P. Gardens, Near Bohara Muslim Mosque, Peelamedu
  • Coimbatore, Tamil Nādu, 641 004
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  • Tel:91- 422- 6598343
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IVALON Surgical Products

Prodotti tal-plastik għall-użu mediku u kirurġiku



1 Sena (snin)

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Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

IVALON® Surgical Products are constructed of a unique hydroxylated polyvinyl acetal (PVAc) sponge developed by the pioneer of modern PVAc products. PVAc sponge has been used around the world in a variety of medical applications for over forty years. IVALON® PVAc packings are lint and fiber free. They provide a unique combination of exceptional liquid absorption and wicking characteristics with high tensile strength.