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3 in 1 IPL hair removal Nd yag tattoo removal machine

Q-switched Nd: YAG làser màquina

$ 6500 USD / Unitat


1 Any (s)



Descripció del producte

5 Functions

1.Hair Removal

2.Skin Rejuvenation

3.Ance Removal

4.Vescular Removal

5.Pigmentation Removal

6.Tattoo Removal


1.Nd:Yag 1064nm

Nevus of Ota, naevus fuscoceruleus, tattoo removal, eyebrow tattoo, eye liner tattoo(cool colors: blue, black, green) etc.

2.ND:YAG 532nm

Freckles, age pigment, cafe-au-lait spots, tattoo removal(warm color: red, yellow)

3.BD -LS

Skin rejuvenation,improving skin elasticity, shrinking pore, face lift, purifying black head, acne scars removal, skin tightening, getting rid of tiny wrinkles

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