High Performance Dynamic FOG North Seeker

سائنسی آلات

درخواست پر


دستیاب نہیں

دستیاب نہیں

پوچھ گچھ

مصنوعات کی وضاحت

ER-FNS-01 High Performance Dynamic FOG North Seeker (0.02°-0.5°)


ER-FNS-01 High Performance Dynamic FOG North Seeker (0.02°-0.5°) consists of high precision, rugged solid FOG, quartz accelerometer, data acquisition and processing unit. It can provide its true north position information when the carrier moves. At the same time, the information of motion attitude, velocity and position of the carrier can also be displayed. This dynamic north seeker is suitable for static and dynamic initial alignment of missile launch, weapon aiming, direction control of radar, antenna and land surveying and mapping.



North seeker

Navigation and control

Attitude reference system


Vehicle and ship attitude measurement

Integrated inertial/satellite navigation system

Drilling and production system

Mobile mapping system
