Antimonous Sulfide


$ 30 USD / Piece


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Antimony trisulfide (Sb2S3) is found in nature as crystalline antimonite and amorphous red mineral metapyroxene. Antimony trisulfide is always manufactured for safety matches, military ammunition, explosives and fireworks.

Antimony trisulfide is a black grey crystal or powder with a metallic luster and is soluble in non-volatile alkali hydroxide solution, dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid and releasing hydrogen sulfide, but insoluble in water. Antimony trisulfide gradually oxidizes in the open air. And antimony sulfide used in fireworks and firecrackers industry is processed from stibnite ore powder. and strong reducibility. Toxic, minimum lethal dose (rat, abdominal cavity) 1000mg / kg.

As a professional chemical material supplier in China, DAYU Chemical has high quality Antimony trisulfide for sale at reasonable price.

Antimony Trisulfide Chemical Formula

Antimonous Formula for Sale

Technical Sheet of Antimonous Sulfide

PRODUCT: Antimony trisulfide

CAS # 1315-04-4


APPEARANCE: Gray glossy crystal or gray-black powder

MOL. WT.: 403.85

Property Description

Melting point: 74-76 ° C (Dec.)

Density: 4,12 g / cm3

APPEARANCE: Gray glossy crystal or gray-black powder

Water solubility insoluble H2O; soluble HCl to evolve H2S [MER06]

Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 12600mmhg at 25 ° C

First Aid of Antimony Trisulphide

Inhalation: Immediately leave the area containing antimony trisulphide and get fresh air. Keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Respiratory and cardiac arrest, immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Seek medical advice

Skin contact: take off clothing contaminated with antimony trisulphide and wash skin thoroughly with soapy water and water. If you feel unwell, see a doctor

Eye clear contact: separate eyelids and flush antimony trisulphide with flowing water or normal saline. If you feel unwell, see a doctor

Ingestion: drink enough warm water to induce vomiting. Gastric lavage and catharsis were performed with 2% - 5% sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate solution. Seek medical advice

Antimony Trisulfide Uses

Antimony trisulfide is mainly used for making matches and fireworks, various antimony salts and colored glass.

The rubber industry uses antimony trisulfide as a vulcanizing agent and military industry.

Antimony trisulfide is always used to manufacture fireworks, glass, explosives, paint and pigment manufacturing.

Packaging of Antimony Trisulphide

Antimony trisulphide is packed with polyethylene-lined plastic bags and outer polypropylene woven bags.

The net weight of each bag is 20kg and 50kg. Antimony trisulphide should be stored in the ventilated and dry warehouse, and should not be stored and transported together with potassium chlorate and other oxidants.

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