
  • M. A. Jinnah Road
  • Karachi, 74800
  • Pakistan
  • Sími:92-21-2625471
  • Fax:92-21-2625906
  • Url:

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SAC Is the global leader in the flavor fragrance industry, since 1948.offering its products to global , regional and local foods, beverages consumer goods and fragrance companies.

Today sac remain committed to being a company that always demonstrate a sense of urgency and flexibility in meeting the needs of its customers and providing a stimulating and satisfying working environment for its employees.

Today SAC is also emerged in producing non-alcoholic fragrances/attar,musk jamid/perfume jamid ,musk cream/perfume cream and incense sticks with many different fragrances and packaging.

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Framleiðandi, Heildsala, Dreifingaraðili

201 - 500 manns


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