• 5 / 325 Centre Road
  • Bentleigh, 3204
  • ავსტრალია
  • ტელ:61-3-9557 3734
  • ფაქსი:61-3-9557 4042
  • Url:

მთავარი გვერდი


Sage Nova Pty Ltd is a manufacturer and wholesaler of beauty products.

We offer products and services which enhance inner and outer beauty such as natural skincare, quality accessories and personalised gift service.

Scentia is a natural skincare brand fully owned by Sage Nova Pty Ltd.

Scentia exists in the market since 1998, in August 2007, Sage Nova Pty Ltd has fully acquired Scentia Skin Care, develop and improve the previous products.

We are based in Melbourne, Australia and plan to expand to other locations around Australia and Overseas.

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