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Gardening supplies
Headers, cereal harvesting
Balers, pick-up, agricultural
Balers for combine harvesters
Straw bale presses, agricultural
Bale collectors, trailed
Bale sledges
Balers for forage
Balers, stationary, agricultural
Bale wrapping equipment, agricultural
Forage loaders
Hay sweeps (tedders)
Driers, forage, farm processing
Forage mowing and loading machines, combined
Batch driers for cereals and pulses, farm use
Combine harvesters
Harvesters, cereal reaping and binding
Harvesters, corn/maize
Chaff spreaders, agricultural
Silage cutters
Corn/maize shelling equipment, agricultural
Threshing machines, straw
Forage boxes, self-unloading
Balers for tobacco
Threshing machines