

In the dynamic cityscape of Toronto, maintaining a home can be demanding, but with Refined Home Services at your service, residential plumbing concerns no longer need to be a hassle. Our expertise extends beyond just the pipes and into a full spectrum of electrical service offerings as well, ensuring that every facet of your home's functionality is managed with precision and skill. We pride ourselves on delivering thorough services tailored to suit the unique demands of each residence we enter. It's more than just about fixing issues; it's about providing peace of mind through reliable workmanship and dedicated support whenever you need it. Turn to Refined Home Services for all your plumbing and electrical requirements – because your home deserves nothing less than attentive care from professionals who understand what it means to keep a Toronto household running smoothly.

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Refined Home Services updated address

Our new location address:

9 Dellbank Road, North York, Ontario, M3H 4M9, Canada