
  • 3 / 151 Barkly Ave
  • Richmond, 3121
  • ავსტრალია
  • ტელ:61-3-99184200
  • ფაქსი:61-3-9918420
  • Url:

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You will be seen for FREE by thousands of active buyers from across the globe, searching Global Catalog every day for companies just like yours.

მთავარი გვერდი


Red Wrappings is a premium online gift store. We provide an avenue for suppliers of unique gift items to display their products free of charge on our site, providing an additional avenue for suppliers to sell their products. Red Wrappings is the web site for anyone to search for that perfect gift, whatever the occasion.

We are seeking suppliers of unique gift items who can drop ship when an order comes in from Red Wrappings. We promise a 3-5 day delivery to capital cities within Australia; regional centres and overseas we allow more time. We promise our customers that we will ship the product within 48 hours and deliver in unmarked cartons with no supplier identity. Suppliers must read and accept our Terms and Conditions which include our Exchange and Returns Policy, and Privacy Policy with regard to customers personal information.

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