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$ 100 USD / Pala


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As one of professional and experienced nitrogen evaporator suppliers, RayKol Automated evaporation nitrogen is specialized in simultaneous and parallel evaporation to a large batch of samples. The nitrogen concentrator sample evaporator principle is using nitrogen gas flow to disrupt vapor pressure above the sample surface to achieve evaporation while samples are heated by water bath. And the gas flow from nitrogen gas evaporator can be adjusted to maintain optimal distance or blowing angle toward samples for efficient evaporation. Contact us for evaporator nitrogen price!


Auto EVA 12 Automated Parallel Nitrogen Evaporator

Solution for large volume samples with automatic endpoint determination

Auto EVA Series Automated Nitrogen Stream Evaporation System

Parallel evaporation for sample volume less than 40mL

Auto EVA 80 Automated Parallel Nitrogen Evaporator

Upgraded from the features of Auto EVA series, evaporation up to 80 samples

Auto EVA Mini Automated Parallel Nitrogen Evaporator

Solutions for sample volume less than 5mL


A nitrogen evaporator or nitrogen blowdown evaporator uses a stream of nitrogen gas to continuously blow the solvent surface to lower vapor pressure. The factors such as distance between gas flow to sample surface, the flow rate of nitrogen gas, the temperature of nitrogen gas or samples can affect the evaporating speed and results.

To automate nitrogen evaporator, parameters including distance to the solvent surface, nitrogen flow rate, water bath and sample rack temperature; configurations including nitrogen gas heating, automatic rinsing; and control software of the auto evaporation system should be considered to optimize the process.

Compared to conventional nitrogen evaporators, RayKol automated nitrogen evaporation systems have high throughout with effective performanace, a high degree of automated laboratory equipment automation with good compatibility, a solution for evaporation in analytical laboratory sample preparation.