• Pergudangan Margomulyo Permai AF-12
  • Surabaya
  • อินโดนีเซีย
  • โทร:62-81-230040071
  • โทรสาร:62
  • url:



Yonkou Multitrading Company is a universal trading company that you can trust for your purposes in seaweed sources products from Indonesia especially for Gracilaria and Eucheuma Cottonii

Our mission is to build relationships with honesty, sincerity, and have speed of selling a variety of sources products from Indonesia that you interested in, to establish good communication, delays in delivery, quality control and many other things that are important to you. Our vision is to be the most leading

trading company in providing product sourcing solutions.

Please do not hesitate and allow us to help you find resources that you need in Indonesia.

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