
  • No.2, Harrington Road, Chetpet
  • Chennai, Tamil Nādu, 600031
  • Indland
  • Sími:+91 44 42965454
  • Fax:+91 44 42965455
  • Url:

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Manufacturers and Exporters of Lead Metal and Lead Alloy, Zinc Oxide, PVC Stabilizers & One Pack Formulation and Importer of Lead Oxide, TBLS, DBLS, LS, CS, DBL Phthalate, DBL Phosphite, One Pack PO3, PO3 Top Flakes, PO3 TFT 747 Flakes, Pondy Lube and Esoyal. Keywords: Lead Metal, Alloys, Lead Stabilizers & Zinc Oxide.

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