Pharmaceutical Rubber Stopper
Cur síos ar an Táirge
A pharmaceutical rubber stopper is a rubber elastomer product with a certain shape and size, used for sealing the mouth of glass, plastic, and other medical bottle containers. Its structure can be roughly divided into three categories: tapered, T-shaped, and flanged; According to its use, it can be divided into antibiotic stoppers, biological drug stoppers, spray corks, and infusion stoppers. The stopper compound is required to be free of harmful soluble substances such as lead, mercury, arsenic, barium, etc., which do not work with the loadable agent, and the stopper itself cannot have ejections. Widely used in the pharmaceutical and medical industries.
Proactive Technical Support of Pharmaceutical Rubber Stopper
With strong background information on pharma packing material, you can minimize risk, reduce testing, and get to market faster. Our extractable data manual helps you determine the compatibility of off-patent drugs with extractable data specific to 4031/45. In addition, our technical support monitors patent expiration and proactively recommends formulation compatibility.