CoCo Contemporary Connoisseur specialises in promoting Australian Artists and Designers. The scope of our products from our selected artists includes handmade Arts, Crafts as well as designs in various other media.
CoCo's Philosophy is to accentuate the importance of local Australian artists by promoting and exhibiting them in Australia and globally through commercial and private clients. We fully endorse the skills and creativity of our artists and know our clients will receive high quality, unique and expertly finished pieces.
Headed by Shantala Chung Gon, formerly Wholesale Marketing Manager of the Jam Factory Contemporary Craft and Design in Adelaide, South Australia. CoCo is founded on a long-standing passion for art and design. Shantala has a wealth of experience from small to large scale, notably and most recently working with Bates Smart Architects on the Crown Metropol in Melbourne. She has extensive knowledge working on artwork and object for galleries, retail, corporate business, law practices, architects, interiors and much more...
We believe the handmade craft and artwork our Australia gift shop delivers, provides a level of individuality not available from mass market retailers. Each artist and designer is renowned for their exceptional designs and specialist knowledge. Our collections will always be distinctive and unique regardless of quantity – none of our work is mechanically produced, ensuring each piece retains individual characteristics – even within the same range. Our artists work with a variety of colours, textures, materials and scales... ensuring you will never find an identical product anywhere.
"The only important thing about design is how it relates to people."— Victor Papanek.
CoCo understands the importance of a person's relationship to the art they collect as a private collector, or as an exhibitor, whether it be in a gallery, place of work or place of leisure. We foster the relationship between art and people by engaging with our clients and by maintaining close relationships with all our artists. This direct and personal contact ensures you will always receive the highest degree of detail and quality, and most importantly have all your desires met.
Many of our artists encourage and welcome commissions for custom pieces or collections to suit your colour palette and size, and so there really are no limits to what we can achieve.
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