ఉత్పత్తి వివరణ
Perc is an online-based subscription serviceset up with the aim to promote the Dubai and UAE coffee scenes! We workexclusively with local UAE roasters to make sure that our customers get thefreshest coffee beans delivered to their door every month. Along the way, we want to make sure that ourcustomers not only learn more about the coffee shops and roasters of the UAEbut they start to build an understanding of where their coffee comes from. Westrongly believe that change is led by the consumer and if we all have a betterunderstanding of how coffee is sourced, the way the farmers are treated andcompensated, then that will empower us to make better decisions as well assupport the right businesses. Check out our blogs to learn more and followus on our socials to get the latest news on Perc, our roasters, and cool newcoffee shops we’re checking out!