Sobre nós


Hi I'm Jeanette. I'm here to make the best of the opportunities arising from online ventures and to involve interested and dedicated people in this world of eBusiness. The

businesses I represent seeks to provide life improving products and services to the world, operating on the principle of simple product ranges and good returns. I am interested in talking to those who share similar entrepreneurial tenacity, but not those who wish to waste time, there's or mine. There are 3 products. 1. Liberty League. --Personal Development Program. --Freedom lasting over9 weeks and conference. Essentially proven business motivation using the law of attraction. 2. ASANA'--Health Product Range. High quality award winning company of Health Sciences. Products Vitamins, Beauty to shampoo and tooth paste. 3. ibuzzPro, --Advertising anything via voice mail throughout Noth America. All Companies are offering a opportunity to have your own internet business in a office of your choice and hours. Large well established Companies organized and offering everything on line. with a business plan with high profit margins and proven success rate for members.

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