Apie mus
Located at 4,000 feet in Wallowa county, Oregon, Paradise Tree Farm grows some of the most beautiful trees found anywhere. Our cool summers and cold winters produce cold-hardy trees which hold up well as Christmas trees and nursery stock. Our cool springs delay bud break which allows us to harvest and transplant 3 varieties of nursery stock. Customers can have the choice of buying nursery stock in the field and conducting their own harvest, or letting us dig. John has been growing trees for over 25 years and is known as a resource in the culturing of firs and spruces. Currently, we have grand fir, concolor fir, cork bark subalpine fir, and Colorado spruce in all sizes available for sale.
We are a family-owned business and have been providing quality trees to repeat customers for many years. Several youth groups use our trees as a fundraiser during the Christmas season.
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