
  • Suite 501, Building 75, Xinxiuxincun, Longgang
  • , Zhejiang, 51817
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  • Sími:86-755-28948813
  • Fax:86-755-28948813
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Ortus Medi-supply Development Limited is specialized in manufacturing and supply of cardiology and radiology interventional devices. Cardiology interventional devices includes: PTCA balloon catheter, PTCA guide wire, PTFE angiographic guide wire, Hydrophilic angiographic guide wire, Angiographic catheter, diagnostic catheter, guiding catheter, radial introducer sheath, femoral introducer sheath, peel-away introducer sheath; Inteventional and radiology interventional accessories: Balloon inflation device, Hemostasis Y connector kit, Manifold, Control syringe, Angiography syringe, color syringe, high pressure syringe, radial hemostasis compression device, femoral hemostasis compression device, angiographic needle, seldinger needle, pressure line, pressure monitoring line, pressure transducer.

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