• Box 610
  • Bowden, Alberta, T0M 0K0
  • Канада
  • Тел:1-403-357-8652
  • Факс: 1-403-224-2431
  • Адреса:

Про нас


OC Flock Management specializes in the production and export of sheep and goat semen

and embryos sourced from elite Canadian genetics.

OC Flock is certified by the Canadian Embryo Transfer Association, and is approved by the

Canadian Food Inspection Agency to export. The facility and embryo team is fully certified to

export to the EU, and has access to EU-certified high health status flocks of various breeds.

OC Flock Management provides the technical expertise to help maximize success,

and takes pride in excellent after sales service. Training programs in small ruminant

reproductive techniques are available for international students.

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