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Nu-beca maxcellent are a joint-ventured business group, with several sister-related companies who are dedicated with different technology and production in the fields of healthcare, wellness and fitness. As a member of board of directors on this group, I would like to commit you with our loyalty, particularly on a providing good and competitive products to your business.

Nowadays, single product can't satisfy any more your need or even the market demand; that is one of reasons why we decide to spin off nu-beca, to be an independent unit that it will furnish you with a dedicated, direct service along with entire group's products, including

A. Thermometry: Infrared thermometers, instant digital thermometers

B. Bpm: Upper-arm type wrist type of blood pressure monitors

C. Bgm: 2-in-1 blood glucose blood pressure meters,

D. Wellness fitness: Sporty moving pulse watch, diet management system, snore stopper, sleep aids, motion sickness relief

E. Family-care products: Tens EMS, nebulizer

F. Baby care: Thermometers, pacifier thermometers, nasal care system, water thermometer, patented pacifiers

G. Beauty care: Ionic mask

H. Hospital clinic center: Nibp, pulse oximters, remote temperature monitoring system

Besides, we achieve as a buying office, on behalf of several major clients in Asia, to manage all of new developed items

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