Um okkur


North Energy Systems is based in Scotland UK and is a manufacturers agent helping foreign companies who wish to sell their products in the UK and Europe.

We offer consulting services in the renewable energy business and MCS, CE and other product certification services for companies entering the UK market.

We specialise in renewable energy and construction related products and act as UK agent for many major foreign manufacturers.

We give your products UK customer service, technical, after sales, warranty guarantee and spares backup.

Please contact us if you are considering selling your products in to the UK or Europe.

A full consulting and technical design service is available if you are considering any renewable energy installation or project such as solar, wind, heat pump, biomass, gasification, wood or straw pellet production, pyrolysis, ethanol, butanol, biofuels, energy from waste, water treatment and other related applications.

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Ekki í boði

Dreifingaraðili, Agent, Heildsala

5 - 10 manns


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