Shallow Pot Magnet
Descripció del producte
A shallow pot magnet is a type of pot magnet, which is clearly different from a deep pot magnet. It is usually used for holding, fixing, and gripping applications.
The Advantages of Shallow Pot Magnet
Shallow pot magnets, with a threaded void to increase amenity, expresses graduated, intuitive pull and push force within predicable tolerances to regulate moving components. They enable the smooth, regulated expression of mechanical power (force and movement).
What is shallow pot magnet used for?
Shallow pot magnets are the preferred choice for jigs and fixtures. These components are special aids during production machining and they can be used to hold fixtures for machining parts.
Clamping with magnetic force enables a quick and secure grip and intuitive release for regular adjustment. This clamping technology is inherently simple, with no protrusions or appendages that would interfere with the high speed operations that are often carried out on tempered objects. The canister magnet-assisted clamping controls and guides the required instrumentation, turning a pile of material, safely suspended from the clamps, into an intricate value-added work of art.
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