
  • Unit 4 Batchelor Drive
    Station Road
  • Fakenham, R21 7RP
  • Spojené kráľovstvo
  • Tel:01485517177
  • Fax: ---.---.-----
  • Url:

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Pet Shops and Supplies in Fakenham

Here at Natures Grub we pride ourselves on being the ultimate supplier of

Specialist Dried Insect Based pet food.

All Products are sourced from CIQ approved premises & Packaged here in the UK

in our own Animal Health/Defra approved packing plant

We always have many products available with new lines being added all the time, Please feel free to browse our products, all items are available in many different sizes, we can mix products to customers demands if needed

Many new lines being added all the time, many other related products can be sourced, please contact for details

We are always looking for new shops, Koi centres, Garden centres etc to range our Natures Grub Range.

Products include,

Koi Foods:

Silkworm, River Shrimp, Gammarus Shrimp, Koi Treat Mix

Aquarium Foods:

Freeze Dried Bloodworm, Krill, Tubifex, Brineshrimp, Dried Daphnia, Dried Earthworm, WaterFly


Dried Fish, Dried Crickets, Turtle & Terrapin Treat Mixes, Baby, Deluxe or Regular, Turtle & terrapin Pellets

Wild Bird:

Dried Mealworms, Insect Mix, Suet Pellets, Dried Earthworms, Dried Crickets

Many other products available, Largest Supplier of Dried Insects In The UK

Specialist Supplier of Dried Insect Based Petfoods Turtle & Terrapin food mix, Mealworms, River Shrimp, Silkworm Pupae, Freeze Dried Bloodworm, Koi Mix, Dried Earthworms, Freeze Dried Daphnia. Excellent range of food for all Fish, Koi, Amphibians, Birds, Turtle & Terrapins, Suet Pellets Very competative Prices

Turtle & Terrapin food specialist Koi Food Specialist


Keywords: turtle terrapin, mealworms, koi food, silkworm, reptile foods, dried mealworms, wild bird food, freeze dried bloodworm, aquarium food, petfood wholesaler

Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm

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